Classmates Expected
50th Reunion
Linda Bichler Keene
Mary Beth Biondi Bevaqua
Beverly Borostovic Fry
Bob Brostoski
Mike Cole
Jerry Collins
Ray Coolbaugh
Mary Ann Czachor Segriel
Nancy Davis Thomas
David Digwood
Al Dorunda
Nancy Doyle Hannum
Pat Fedor Kramer
Barbara Francis Pisauro
Gloria Gazda Thiel
Carol Genovese
Sandy Goumillot
Lenny Green
Jim Greenfield
Ann Gronski
Jack Gursky
Larry Heckman
Charles Henn
Steve Horosko
Peter Kneiss
Joe Kozloski
Steve Lamper
Karen Layou Bunce
Fritz Light - Cancelled unable to attend
Ruth Macik
Clark Mark
Phil Matone
Leon Mickewicz
Bonnie Noakes Phillips
Len Olechna
Keith Ott
Bill Ozark
Bill Preslock
Cathy Procik Dulka
Sharon Sesok
Linda Sowden Ott
Shirley Springer Howard
Rhea Strausser Klapprodt
Beverly Thomas Patterson
Glen Thomas
Joan Tinklepaugh Manley
Barbara Tyler Colotti
Bob Walker
Louis Weltz
Jim Zeleniak
Many classmates will bring guests. 75+ expected.
Be there if you can!
Dress Code?
Not really...
but if in doubt business casual
is good
Sharon Chapman Tyman
Ed Dunn
Christine Klonoski Wickerzer
Joan Christoff Carpenter
Contact Anyone